Expires Mar 31st, 2024
Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kits

The Monarch RNA Cleanup Kits provide a fast and simple silica column-based solution for cleanup and concentration of RNA after enzymatic reactions (including in vitro transcription (IVT), DNase I and Proteinase K treatment, capping, tailing and labeling) as well as after RNA isolation (e.g., TRIzol extraction). These kits can also be used to extract RNA from cells, saliva and buccal/nasopharyngeal swabs. Kits are available in three different binding capacities: 10 μg, 50 μg and 500 μg, each containing unique columns designed to prevent buffer retention and ensure no carryover of contaminants.

Product Listing

Search catalog# or product name to sort:

Catalog # Size Product Name Quantity Your Price  
T2030L 100 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (10 µg)
T2030S 10 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (10 µg)
T2040L 100 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (50 µg)
T2040S 10 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (50 µg)
T2050L 100 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (500 ug)
T2050S 10 preps Monarch® RNA Cleanup Kit (500 ug)