Until Sept. 30th, 2024
NEB’s Competent Cells
For your Cloning & Protein Expression
Cloning Strains

For cloning experiments choose from several high efficiency competent cell strains. These E. coli strains are T1 phage resistant and are endA deficient for high quality plasmid preparations. Additionally, all competent cells from NEB are free of animal products.

Protein Expression Strains

NEB offers a wide variety of competent cell strains ideal for many protein expression applications. These strains address the needs of protein expression control, toxic protein expression, cytoplasmic disulfide bond formation and difficult targets.

Competent Cell Selection Guide
selection chart highlights the characteristics and formats of NEB’s strains to help select the optimal strain for a particular experiment.
Product Listing

Search catalog# or product name to sort:

Catalog # Size Product Name Quantity Your Price  
C1010S 8 x 0.05 ml NEB Cloning Competent E. coli Sampler
C2523H 20 x 0.05 ml NEBExpress® Competent E. coli (HE)
C2523I 6 x 0.2 ml NEBExpress® Competent E. coli (HE)
C2527H 20 x 0.05 ml BL21 (DE3) Competent E. coli
C2527I 6 x 0.2 ml BL21 (DE3) Competent E. coli
C2528J 12 x 0.05 ml Lemo21(DE3) Comp E.coli
C2529H 20 x 0.05 ml NiCo21(DE3) Comp E.coli
C2530H 20 x 0.05 ml BL21 Comp E.coli
C2566H 20 x 0.05 ml T7 Express Competent E.coli (HE)
C2566I 6 x 0.2 ml T7 Express Competent E.coli (HE)
C2925H 20 x 0.05 ml dam-/dcm- Comp E.coli
C2925I 6 x 0.2 ml dam-/dcm- Comp E.coli
C2984H 20 x 0.05 ml NEB Turbo Comp E.coli (HE)
C2984I 6 x 0.2 ml NEB Turbo Comp E.coli (HE)
C2987H 20 x 0.05 ml NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (HE)
C2987I 6 x 0.2 ml NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (HE)
C2987P 1 96-well pl NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (HE)
C2987R 1 384-well p NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (HE)
C2987U 96 x 0.05 ml NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (HE)
C2988J 6 x 0.4 ml NEB 5alpha Comp E.coli (Subcloning Eff)
C2992H 20 x 0.05 ml NEB 5-alpha F Iq Comp E.coli (HE)
C2992I 6 x 0.2 ml NEB 5-alpha F Iq Comp E.coli (HE)
C3010I 6 x 0.2 ml T7 Express lysY Comp E.coli (HE)
C3013I 6 x 0.2 ml T7 Express lysY/Iq Comp E.coli (HE)
C3019H 20 x 0.05 ml NEB 10beta Comp E.coli (HE)
C3019I 6 x 0.2 ml NEB 10beta Comp E.coli (HE)
C3019P 1 96-well pl NEB 10beta Comp E.coli (HE)
C3020K 6 x 0.1 ml NEB 10beta ElectroComp E.coli
C3026J 12 x 0.05 ml SHuffle T7 Comp E.coli
C3028J 12 x 0.05 ml SHuffle Express Comp E.coli
C3029J 12 x 0.05 ml SHuffle T7 Express Comp E.coli
C3030J 12 x 0.05 ml SHuffle T7 Express lysY Comp E.coli
C3037I 6 x 0.2 ml NEBExpress® Iq Competent E. coli (High E
C3040H 20 x 0.05 ml NEB Stable Comp E.coli
C3040I 6 x 0.2 ml NEB Stable Comp E.coli
*TERMS & CONDITIONS: Offer valid in Canada only. Expires Sept. 30th, 2024. Discount is eligible for products listed on this flyer. Purchase can be made online at www.neb.ca or through a NEB freezer program. Eligible products get discounted automatically when added to cart. Promotion not valid for cash or cash equivalent towards purchase(s). No substitutions. Offer may not be applied to existing, pending or prior orders. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or discount. One or more of these products are covered by patents, trademarks and/or copyrights owned or controlled by New England Biolabs, Inc. For more information, please email us at gbd@neb.com