FAQ: Is the Rapid PNGase F (non-reducing format) reaction compatible with Trypsin-ultra™ (NEB# P8101)?

Yes, Trypsin-ultra™ Mass Spectrometry Grade (NEB# P8101) can be added directly to samples digested with Rapid PNGase F (non-reducing format).

To a 10ul Rapid PNGase F (non-reducing format) reaction containing 10ug of antibody, add 200 ug of Trypsin-ultra™ Mass Spectrometry Grade (NEB# P8101) for a trypsin/antibody ratio of 1:50.
Incubate at 37°C for 2hrs (note: different substrates may require different amounts of trypsin, and optimized incubation times)
Hydrophilic extraction methods are recommended to isolate peptides after a Rapid PNGase F (non-reducing format)/Trypsin reaction.