FAQ: Does NEB have a master mix for LAMP or RT-LAMP reactions?

Yes. We offer several options to support LAMP/RT-LAMP protocols. The WarmStart® LAMP Kit (DNA & RNA) (NEB #E1700) includes a 50X LAMP fluorescent dye to support fluorescent detection of LAMP/RT-LAMP reactions. The WarmStart Colorimetric LAMP 2X Master Mix (DNA & RNA) (NEB #M1800) includes a pH-based colorimetric indicator for visual detection of LAMP/RT-LAMP reactions (a pink-to-yellow color change signifies amplification). Updated versions of both products include thermolabile UDG and dUTP to reduce the risk of carryover contamination (NEB #E1708 and NEB #M1804, respectively). In addition, the WarmStart Multi-Purpose LAMP/RT-LAMP 2X Master Mix (with UDG) (NEB #M1708) is compatible with different sample input types and supports multiple detection methods, including hydroxynaphthol blue.

All LAMP master mixes include a combination of WarmStart RTx Reverse Transcriptase and Bst 2.0 WarmStart DNA Polymerase for fast and robust amplification from both DNA and RNA targets. Each mix requires only user-supplied LAMP primers and target DNA or RNA samples.