FAQ: Are the yields with NEBExpress® Cell-free E. coli Protein Synthesis System comparable with the PURExpress In Vitro Protein Synthesis Kit?

Protein yield, using either the PURExpress In Vitro Protein Synthesis Kit or the NEBExpress Cell-free E. coli Protein Synthesis System, is dependent on the nature of the target protein and the reaction conditions. The NEBExpress Cell-free E. coli Protein Synthesis System routinely produces up to 0.5 mg/ml (up to 25 μg per 50 μl reaction). The PURExpress system routinely produces up to 0.25 mg/ml (up to 12.5 μg per 50 μl reaction). The conditions for a given target will require optimization of the incubation temperature and time, as well as the concentration of the template and supplements.